What to know about life and money
Life nowadays is no longer faithful to us because of the way of our status and personal stabilities. You can make money and also die untimely,we are buissness men and women does not make us different from the world of Earth, you should know this things about life so even if you die you would be happy even in your grave. These are the main things to know about life and money............. right now 1) life is very short and money can last more than lives. You may make all the money in the world but remember you can die at anytime anyway 2) life is good to live but you have to labour for life.... If you don't work fo rlyour life you don't expect to keep living longer because life deserve a reward for itself and you need to work day and night to ensure that your life is not taken prematurely. 3)lif l is sweeter when there money..... Yes without money in your life you may die untimely because being poor leads to destruction that's why I said you need to work for yourself t...