Convulsion and what to know

 .   Convulsion is a brainitic disorder therby causes turning of the brain and causes seizure to the body this causes disfunctioning of the body and it's also causes death something.            This is not a good thing and we all know that, and some people always take it a spiritual or common thing but it's very dangerous if you don't take special precaution like seeing the doctor and taking drugs and it may causes these harm to the body and brain especially

   Harms and  damages it causes to the body.      It causes madness and disorderlity. When you don't take care of that patient very well then consider madness as a very critical damage to that person.

  2) loss of memmory. This is common  around people that have convulsion always and don't do anything about it he/she may forget him or herself and that is not good

 So this is something that kills emotionally because when you think about it Everytime you may fall sick and in the case of females some may not get married so please don't think about it just keep taking medication and keep praying.

   And this is something that don't give you time before it occurs it can start up with you anytime and anywhere so please any body with this illness should not be given chance to go anywhere by him/herselves to avoid disgrace . and don't insult anybody with that illness instead always show them love and sympathy don't remind the person of the illness instead show and remind them of their future ahead 

 Special precaution and care.

   1) pray always

    2)eat good hygiene food

    3) take good medication

    4) indiscrimination .( Don't hate the person)

    5) limited movement.

    6) good ventilation (fresh air)

     Convulsion is not what we expect but when it comes to you,. You should know how to follow it to avoid more problem as I said it can be for a while or for long but you have to fight back.


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